
Asshole Takes Picture Of His Face Every Day For 57394 Years!

Facebook is a website of trends. As in, trends of what people do on Facebook. I remember a time, albeit not remembering when, when everybody was filling out stupid amounts of surveys on subjects like "What color are u!?!?!??!" and "how much dou kno bout Simpons!!" and "The Quiz With No Sense". There was some entertainment involved, as some people were actually damn funny in making this, such as the nonsense quiz were all the results were things like "MOTHERFUCKING THUNDERBEAR" and "TODDLER KILLER". Then there was generic shit like "You are the color green. You are calm and ready and you take it all in the ass blah blah. To help yourself help others, you should focus more on releasing your creative energy and not taking it up the ass."

Anyhow, now the new thing is liking (or, a few weeks ago, being a fan of) different pages. There's a bunch coming up that are something akin to "man takes photo of his face every day for 7 years" and such. The gender, number of years, and word "picture" change ever so often, but it's all basically the same thing.

Well, I'll bet these people think they're so clever and unique. They probably think their artfulness has no bonds and they're doing the world a huge favor. Well, I'd like to establish that their ideas are pre-dated by an 8-year-old almost 8 years ago. Unless they thought of them more than 8 years ago, but then it's unfair because before I was 8 I could barely think. Well I supppose 7 years ago is almost 8 years ago... but still. They're not original ideas. And I was definitely actually planning on doing exactly what they did for the longest time if I only had a camera. And I was planning it long before I saw that they did it.

All they really accomplished is making me less satisfied with the world. I'm sure normally the project would make me feel very good about myself, but now since others will think I just ripped these people off, I'm not gonna be nearly as happy. Good job assholes.

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