
Beat Golf

Okay, so I have approximately $34 (just kidding, exactly $34), and this deal at GameStop is Buy 2 Get 1 Free (B2G1F or BTGOF or... whatever, that looks like Beat Golf) and I'm pretty sure the three games I want are all $17.99. So, I clearly don't have enough, as without tax that's $35.98, and with tax probably like $39.67 or something. This presents an issue as I'm not sure how long this deal extends for (actually, I hope it's still active).

Close enough

Well, I've looked into my dad's quarter jar that we have for laundry (I know, I'm terrible), and... Well, not I have an amazing $38.75. With my probably LOW estimate of tax (that's just sad), I'm still almost a dollar off. Uh oh, I have to go off on a tangent now.

This one time I thought I lost my swimming shorts (I haven't swam in so long, I forgot what those hydrodynamic ones are called... basically just Speedos, but not the... wrong kind). My mother would be very sad about that, and by sad, I mean ragingly angry. This would not be good. The nearest place that I knew for CERTAIN had the same exact trunks I had was about 5 miles away. That's not that much, but it still takes a bit on a bike, especially with all that traffic. Plus, the only free evening I had to make the trip was on a Friday after school, so I'd have to be quick. A bike ride was better than my angry mother though, so off I went.

 The wrong kind, by the way.

When I arrived at the store, bringing all my change and money in bags and things, I found out I was about three bucks short. My entire plan and journey was... wasted?! The guy at the counter watched me take out crumpled bills and bags of change and painstakingly count them and showing them to him as if he thought that I was gonna trick him with the sheer amount of objects before him. In the end I was about three bucks off, as you already know, but he just gave me the trunks. Like, he didn't give me my money, but he wasn't a prick at all about the three bucks. And I mean, he wouldn't even be a prick, a few cents is understandable, but three bucks is a huge amount, clearly.

Anyway, the whole point of that was that sometimes people don't care that you're a little bit off if you put in the effort of having as much money as you can.

So anyhow, now I have to go to my giant change bucket, with its maybe $50 in change (no quarters), and take out a few extra dimes. I'm not gonna put this game of Beat Golf to waste. As my bike is now stolen, I'm also putting in the effort of walking all that way (about six blocks) to GameStop. I will update when I am back. Wish me luck.

IMMEDIATE UPDATE: I didn't want to go into this unprepared, so I called the GameStop by me, and... I hate when this happens. The Beat Golf deal was... only for the weekend. Fuck me hard. I might still go though, I really want that Orange Box or Dead Space or F.E.A.R.... Damnit, I wanted them all. Now I don't have to spend my dad's quarters though. I'll update to tell you what I got, I guess.

LATER UPDATE: WELL. Deciding on Orange Box (I was a dollar or so short of getting Deadrising as well), I go to the line to the counter (mainly behind one kid). He is trying to buy a rated M game, and the guy says he needs ID. I look at my life, realize it hasn't been going on for 17 years, and ask anyway if I need my ID, hoping my beard will stray off any age-attack. The guy tells me I'm more believable than the other kid, but I need to have my ID. So no games at all.

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