
On Pictures And The Best Food Ever

So if you're so keen to notice, my last and first post had two very nice pictures in it that I definitely worked on for maybe six or seven days... straight. But even with that massive amount of dedication, the end result came out pretty sloppy. Terribly sloppy. So sloppy as I should be ashamed of my work.

Pictures tend to spice up a blog, make it more interesting than a large or unlarge squad of text, bombarding your eyes and brain with organized, nicely presented information. That doesn't quite work for your brain, unless you've got nothing better to do. Your brain wants to have fun and be busy, and it can't do that while it's absorbing MORE and MORE characters. I'm definitely sure I've written over FORTY-ONE (that's a prime too!) words now, and your brain wants to say "STOP IT JESUS TWO PARAGRAPHS IS JUST TOO MUCH".

Now, the type of image is important too. I could just import something from Wikipedia, like so:

While certainly a fine-quality, educational image, it serves no purpose. And, unless this was a blog strictly about math and we were discussing the golden ratio, you wouldn't want to see such an amount of work in an equation, or an equation at all. So perhaps a different, less informative image would be necessary. Instead of pulling something off Wikipedia, I could type 'ass clouds' into google and get this:

Oh that's nice. Look at those clouds, they look so smooth. I wish I could just lick them, I'll bet they taste like the best damn ice cream ever. You know, ice cream is sometimes disregarded as a dessert, or a rare-occasion thing, or something you'd buy at Jewel or that one store that doesn't exist in Chicago but does everywhere else, Kroger. No no, ice cream is a fine delicacy that should be enjoyed as often as possible. I once had the pleasure of going to Charlie Trotter's, some insanely fancy restaurant, and had some nice olive oil sorbet. You may be thinking something along the lines of "what the fuck", but no, this was definitely the best meal of my life. You may also be thinking "sorbet isn't ice cream", but fuck you.

Olive Sorbet, courtesy of the hungry hedonist:

Having run clean out of ways to continue this post (just kidding, I'm just lazy), here's a picture everyone might enjoy regardless of context:

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