
Hat Trick ):

So you know those days when you start something new and you don't want to stop because it's awesome? That's like me and this blog here. I promised myself I wouldn't be too stupid and make more than a post every two or three days, you know, keep it coming slow and steady. Here I am, making the THIRD entry in a day. It is my first day and I have nothing better to do, but still.

Since this little project of mine is a release for when I'm bored, I guess that it's all okay for me to update it whenever I feel like. I just have this bad feeling that whatever imaginary people are reading my blog are... bored. Because my blog isn't particularly clever or entertaining. And they're so critical. And want to hurt me in horrid ways involving hot staplers.

I think about it and realize that all these criticisms are in my head, and I shouldn't care what my imaginary audience thinks, or, if ever they exist, my real audience. This whole project is for my self-enjoyment, and if it's not leading to that, there's no point at all in it. So yeah, I could be critical of myself and say "oh no, I'm such a stupid hobo flint-fucker, making more than one entry in a day!" Or I could be supportive and go "this is your project, Pat. You do whatever the hell you feel like, and besides. This makes up for all those times you'll be too lazy to update!"

Knowing how my life works, I'll be superduper active on this for a few weeks, maybe even some months, then it'll die away into nothing as I stop caring enough to update. Two months later or so, I'll attempt to make a daring comeback, with such encouraging messages as "I really should get back to this!" and "Break time OVER." Then I'll update up to FOUR times, and I'll be happy. Then I'll forget to and just say "ehhhh, later." Finally, I'll feel miserable for letting another part of me die.

I had a journal once, and that was the one exception where my comeback totally kicked everything's ass, with a new entry every day and all that stuff (not a LiveJournal, an ACTUAL JOURNAL that I could do ANYTHING to). I was so happy, and I was like "damn, in twenty years since I'll totally still have this I'll be able to see how stupid or smart I was and reminesce about the good ol' days". Too bad my journal was for school. And too bad my schoolwork is in my backpack. Too bad that backpack's now LOST. You may be brave and ask "how the bloody fuck do you lose a backpack?" To which I'd reply "beats me."

Thanks to a typo I fixed earlier (on "ehhhh, later."), I figured out that later and alter are almost the same word. Hot damn, I just made my day.

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